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Workshop: Renewing our public spaces

  • Shieldfield Art Works (SAW), 1 Clarence Street, NE 2 1YH (map)

Join us for the first in a series of events aiming to improve the co-design of our public spaces. 

What is it? A workshop to explore how the quality of our public spaces – including streets, alleys, cycleways, play spaces, and green spaces – has an impact on our health and wellbeing. The workshop provides an opportunity to share learning between local policy makers, residents, planners and urban space architects.

As part of the discussion, we will look at the public space strategy for Shieldfield (launched by Dwellbeing in August 2022) and examples from Gateshead to begin to explore the role that co-developed neighbourhood planning has for increasing wellbeing, belonging and health amongst residents. 

Who’s it for? Anyone who wants to see well designed, well used and well managed public spaces in their areas.

RSVP - Contact Hannah to book your place, 07938 412 286 /

Supported by Newcastle University, ESRC Impact Acceleration Account - Strategic Fund.

11 November

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18 November

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