Want to make a difference in Shieldfield? Join our Stewards…

Are you a Dwellbeing Member?  

Would you like to get more involved and become one of our Stewards?

Dwellbeing Shieldfield is a Community Benefit Society (a cooperative).  People can get involved by becoming members and can also contribute to the governance and management of the society by standing to be elected as a Steward.

Steward is the name we give to our Directors. They are responsible for the organisation and oversee our membership, policies, communications and finances. Being a steward is a great opportunity to meet new people, develop skills, and contribute to community-life in Shieldfield.

Stewards meet every 3 months to discuss our activities and make important decisions.

Stewards also volunteer their time and skills between these meetings to support our work.  (We take safeguarding very seriously and the role of steward is subject to a DBS check.)

At Dwellbeing we value all kinds of skills and experience, so if you feel like you have something to contribute, please consider nominating, even if you have never been part of a formal meeting.

You will be joining a welcoming and supportive team and we will provide an introduction to the organisation and any training you might need to undertake the role.

Stewards are voted in at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

This year our AGM is on Monday, 2nd October at 5.30 to 7.30  at SAW in Shieldfield.

If you would like to become a Steward we are accepting nominations until Thursday 28th September.  

The nomination form will be available shortly

For further information please contact Edyta Czarnecka, Administrator.


07593 769 129


Want to make a difference in Shieldfield? Join our Stewards. Fill in the nomination form until 28th September 2023.


Huge changes in our DS Team