What impact can we celebrate? What is the evidence?

At our AGM on 21st September 2024 we started to collect evidence about the impact we are making across our programmes. By ‘impact’ we mean the difference we hope to make.

Attendees were asked:

  • What difference has Dwellbeing activities made to you?

  • What difference has Dwellbeing made to Shieldfield?

They were then asked to relate that difference to one of three impacts:

  • The community feels included, connected and heard

  • The environment reflects the needs of residents

  • There is improved social connection and sense of belonging

This is just a snapshot of what people shared…

The community feels included, connected and heard…

“The existence of this project has really challenged people’s perception of young people and effectively improved it. It feels very genuine, wholesome - the young people have a genuine impact / feel empowered”

“I have been warmly welcomed to Shieldfield as a new resident”

“There are lots of dots being joined up with different organisations and projects  - lots of overlaps”

“Community is coming together”

The environment reflects the needs of residents…

“They’ve had a really big impact on how the council reacts to the improvement of the local environment, the council can support and respond. There’s a feeling and a message that this is the local communities’ area”

“I spent a lot of time just sitting in the SAW garden, connecting with the sound and smell of nature. The growers are doing a great job of keeping it tidy and informing us of progress within the garden”

There is improved social connection and sense of belonging…

“Feeling of inclusion, feeling motivated to go out and meet people”

“I have met lots of people I would not have met if I hadn’t joined Dwellbeing Shieldfield, knowing people to say hello to in the street”

“I am originally from Shieldfield, I’ve come back and enjoyed the social part of the group”

“Monday coffee and chats help me to make friends with neighbours”

“I like it how everyone is friendly”

“There is improved social connection and sense of belonging to Shieldfield though [Shieldfield Grows] by enjoying the smells and colourfulness of all the flowers. I feel I am part of this development”

“There is a way of connecting to young people in a way that there wasn’t before”

“To hear the voices of young people [...] they feel entitled to have a say and to have an effect on their community”

Temperature Check

We then asked attendees to choose one area they felt we were making the most difference. The outcome was unanimous. Everyone at the meeting felt that the difference that Dwellbeing activities is making most is:

There is improved social connection and sense of belonging!

Members feel that we’re doing great, but there is more to do. 

Over the coming months we invite you to get involved in shaping a range of new activities including conversation, crafts, archiving, cooking and more. See our What’s On pages for more information or get in touch to let us know what you’re interested in.


We are delighted to welcome two new people to our team.